The plan is named #sinsalsostible (#sustainablesinsal) and contains six initiatives bringing together the three fundamental areas of sustainability: Social, Environmental and Economic. 

These six initiatives were the following: 

#sinsalporigual #equalitysinsal  #strivingforequalitysinsal 
#sinsalediverso #diversesinsal  
#sinsalecircular #circularsinsal 
#sinsalelocal #sinsalislocal 
#sinsalsenplásticos #sinsalwithoutplastic 
#sinsalsenmalosfumes #smokefreesinsa

How do we want to move forward in this regard in Sinsal SON Estrella Galicia? These are our #sustainablesinsal goals in the 2019 edition. 

#equalitysinsal  #strivingforequalitysinsa
Maintain the 60% ratio of women in production staff 
Maintain the gender balance in the Programme: 44% of bands led by women 
Maintain the number of represented countries: 14 countries 

#sinsalwithoutplastic  #smokefreesinsal 
 100% Separated collection of the waste organic fraction 
Reduce by 50% the ratio of cans, plastic and paper packaging. 
Increase by 20% the carsharing ratio of people travelling to the island from Meirande pier. 

#circularsinsal  #sinsalislocal 
Increasing the number of reutilized elements 
Maintain the cooperation initiatives with local entities 
Increasing by 0.5% the economic impact in the region/area 

In order to achieve these objectives we will involve the public, sponsors, institutions, suppliers and partners. In the coming weeks we will detail the #sustainablesinsal 2019 initiatives