Special sessions

As Sesións Anecoicas ou as Sesións San Simón son propostas que acontecen en paralelo ao Festival Sinsal. Coñece toda a actividade de SinsalAudio, promotora do festival, en sinsalaudio.es
  • San Simon Sessions

    We are an extension of technology for we think, feel and evolve with it. San Simón sessions are a walk through sound memories from a hundred years ago. Few places like San Simón serve as much as an inspiration in this time travel through acoustic perception. Aleksander Kolkowski is a composer, violinist, sound artist and researcher born and based in London. he has explored the potential of historical sound recording and reproduction technology, combining horned violins, gramophones and wax cylinder phonographs, to make contemporary mechanical-acoustic music. 
  • Anechoic Sessions

    The semi-anechoic chamber is a designed and coated space to absorb sound and electromagnetic waves. We are talking about a room in the Faculty of telecommunications of the University of Vigo in which there is practically no echo or reverberations. Live performances require a lot of care and adaptation, it is a real challenge for musicians. This is one of the activities that the festival organizes annually with the collaboration of the University of Vigo and AtlanTIC, the research center. Admission is free and the capacity is very limited. People interested in attending must write to info@sinsalaudio.org. The Anechoic Sessions have received the award to the best cultural activities in the II edition of the Iberian Festival Awards 2017.